Examples include realigning lease expiries or breaks, site assembly and securing planning permissions. 这包括调整租约到期或租约终止、土地征集以及取得规划许可。
This property is matched against the site from which a code assembly originates to test the membership condition. 以从其中产生代码程序集的站点为依据,通过查看该属性是否与其匹配来测试成员条件。
In earlier versions, you would build all of the code portions of your web site into a single assembly. 在早期版本中,需要将网站的所有代码部分生成为单个程序集。
The name of the site from which the code assembly originates. 从其中产生代码程序集的站点的名称。
Construction Technology for Beams of Steel Box Girder and Site Assembly of the Closure Segment 钢箱梁横梁及合龙段现场拼装施工技术
The North Wales factory that makes Airbus wings is rated as the firm's best site, and will retain wing design and final assembly. 制造空客机翼的北威尔士工厂被评为该公司最好的厂址,它将继续负责机翼设计和总装配工作。
As Asia and Latin America join the consumer bandwagon, it will make more sense for multinationals to site production and assembly close to their customers, which has the side effect of cutting transport costs. 随着亚洲与拉美开始追赶消费潮流,跨国公司将生产与装配放在靠近客户的地点,将更为合理,更何况此举还能帮助它们节省交通运输成本。
NDT test report of site assembly. 现场装备的无损探伤检验报告。
The most distinctive feature of the site is the assembly area of stones. 其中最具特色的是石块聚集区。
As a reference site of production of food, the experience of system design and implementation on Zhenjiang food Co. Ltd can be used in same type of assembly manufacturing enterprises. 镇江食品有限公司是典型的食品生产企业,其信息系统的设计和实施的经验可为同类型企业提供借鉴。
Based on the structural characteristics and site conditions, low level spread assembly and pulling bar group relay lifting method is adopted to install the shell. 施工中针对网壳结构特点及现场施工条件,采用低空外扩拼装、拔杆群接力提升的方法完成了安装。
The site consists mainly of a launcher integration building, a final assembly building, a launch control center launch zone and launch table. 该发射场的主要设施有:运载火箭组装厂房、最后组装厂房、发射控制中心、发射区及活动发射平台等。
In this paper, the site and the sampling measurements for thermal insulation performance of walls and ceiling of an assembly cold store are described, and the test data is given. 本文介绍了组装式冷库围护结构保温性能现场测试和取样测试的方法与实测数据。
This paper illuminates the high embankment of fast construction as the bridge prefabrication site from three aspects of processing natural subgrade, filling embankment and strengthen measures, and make it prepare for the construction, piling up, transport and assembly of prefabricated components. 从天然地基处理、路基填筑以及填筑完后的强化措施等几个方面,综合考虑快速施工的高填方路基作为大型桥梁预制场的特殊情况,使其能满足预制构件的施工、堆放、运输及吊装要求。
Site Assembly of Auto-Welding Technology for Large Pressure Vessel 大型压力容器现场拼组装自动焊接技术
On-Site Weld of Large Scale Catalytic Fractional Column Assembly 大型催化分馏塔现场组焊施工
Following sequences were done by SCK in order to keep shop fabricated steel tube trusses and other parts meet with the requirement of design and site assembly. 为使厂内制作的钢管桁架各构件满足设计要求,保证现场顺利拼接,借助计算机模型进行钢管桁架空间圆弧的放样和大直径钢管的火焰加工、厂内预组装;
Welding quality is easy to be assurance since the site assembly and auto-welding technology are adopted. Comparing to manual welding, it rises 4~ 6 times of welding effect. 工程应用表明:采用这种现场组对自动焊接技术,焊接质量易于保证,与手工电弧焊相比,焊接工效提高了4~6倍。
Through strengthening the management of production on site and drying the whole equipment, the humidity is reduced, the assembly period is shortened and the production quality is improved. 通过加强生产现场管理和采用整体烘干方法减少水分含量,可缩短装配周期,提高产品质量。
Regarding to construction conditions and taking site installation of reaction subsider and regenerator of 800, 000 t/ a heavy oil catalysis unit as example, this paper introduces site assembly technology, assembly, welding model and auto-submerged are technology for large pressure vessel. 结合施工现场实际情况,以80万t/a重油催化装置反应沉降器和再生器的现场安装为例,介绍了大型压力容器现场拼组装工艺、组对及焊接胎具结构、自动埋弧焊接技术。
The so-called production line is products manufacturing in the process of production on the line, which is beginning from raw materials into the production site. It is a route of a series of production line activity including processing, transport, assembly, test and so on. 所谓生产线就是指产品在生产过程中所经过的路线,即从原料进入生产现场开始,经过加工、运送、装配、检验等一系列生产线活动所构成的路线。
Its construction has changed the traditional artificial site operation mode, through the house and the department concerned components of the product factory production, use the assembly method, effective control of the quality of the residence, save manpower and resources. 其建设改变了传统的人工现场操作方式,通过采用住宅相关构件及部品的工厂化生产,利用现场进行组装方式,有效的控制了住宅的质量,节约人力和资源。
Therefore, adopt combined blade, manufacture in sections, segmented transport, site assembly, can well solve the problem of manufacturing and transport. 为此,采用组合式叶片,分段制造,分段运输,现场组装的方案可以有效的解决制造和运输的难题。